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40 Year Recertification



Hellas Engineering offers engineering services for the Structural and Electrical Recertification of 40 Year Old Buildings.Under Section 8-11(f) of the Miami-Dade County Code and Section 110.15 of the Broward County Board of Appeals and Rules, the owner of a building which has been in existence for forty (40) years or longer is required to have the building inspected for the purpose of determining the general structural condition of the building and the general condition of its electrical systems. In accordance with the codes, a written Recertification Report must be submitted to the Building Official, prepared by a Florida registered professional engineer or architect*, certifying each building or structure is structurally and electrically safe for the specified use for continued occupancy.

Our team begins with hands-on, non-destructive inspection to determine the existing conditions in accordance with the minimum guidelines provided by Miami-Dade County and Broward County. We then prepare a written report and provide the completed Structural and Electrical Safety Forms.

Our reports and repair programs not only comply with the program requirements, but are also useful tools for planning and budgeting purposes by allowing Building Owners to prioritize the required repairs and avoid costly emergency restorations down the line.